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Subject Guide for English. Covers Fundamentals of Grammar and Composition (098/099), Current Events (101), and Literature.

MLA Basics


Citing Within Your Paper

Works Cited

Citing Film & Movies

Citing Films or Movies   

*Due to the formatting of this webpage, the hanging indentions are not included. 

List films (in theaters or not yet on DVD or video) by their title. Include the name of the director, the film studio or distributor, and the release year. If relevant, list performer names after the director’s name. Use the abbreviation perf. to head the list. List film as the medium of publication. To cite a DVD or other video recording, see “Recorded Films and Movies” below.

The Usual Suspects. Dir. Bryan Singer. Perf. Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrn, Chazz Palminteri, Stephen Baldwin, and Benecio del Toro. Polygram, 1995. Film

To emphasize specific performers (perf.) or directors (dir.), begin the citation with the name of the desired performer or director, followed by the appropriate abbreviation.

Lucas, George, dir. Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Twentieth Century Fox, 1977. Film.

Citing Recorded Films or Movies  

List films by their title. Include the name of the director, the distributor, and the release year. If relevant, list performer names after the director’s name. Use the abbreviation perf. to head the list. End the entry with the appropriate medium of publication (e.g. DVD, VHS, Laser disc).

Ed Wood. Dir. Tim Burton. Perf. Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Sarah Jessica Parker, Patricia Arquette. Touchstone, 1994. DVD.

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What is Plagiarism?

Merrian-Webster Dictionary defines plagiarism as:

  • stealing or passing off the ideas or words of another as your own.
  • using another's work without crediting the source.
  • committing literary theft.
  • presenting as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.

Visit these websites for more information on plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Plagiarism Prevention and Awareness

Plagiarism: Avoid the Consequences

Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty


Be very careful to cite sources correctly. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty is very serious!

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