These call numbers should help you in browsing the shelves.
174 Economic & professional ethics
600 Technology (Applied sciences)
609 Historical, areas, persons treatment
610 Medicine
611 Human anatomy, cytology, histology
612 Human physiology
613 Promotion of health
614 Disease prevention
615 Pharmacology
616 Diseases
617 Surgery & related medical specialties
618 Gynecology & other medical specialties
619 Experimental medicine
CINAHL Complete, MEDLINE, and Biological Abstracts 1969-Present are all EBSCO databases on the ESBCOhosts platform. Use the training material on EBSCO for search tips on this page. CINAHL Complete also provides specific search tips for that database available on this page.
ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source is provided by ProQuest. Training material for this database is also provided on this page.
For more resources on Physical Therapy, see PTNow or Hooked on Evidence from APTA.
Nursing & Allied Health Database by ProQuest
This database provides users with reliable healthcare information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine, and much more. This versatile database is designed to meet the needs of researchers at healthcare facilities as well as nursing and allied health programs at academic institutions.
Below are training videos provided by ProQuest on how to perform a Basic Search, Advanced Search, and working with the Search Results page.